Newcastle fans Bantul 6000 Tickets Message

Bantul Persiba management set a target to win the League First Division by beating Indonesia in the final Persiraja Banda Aceh on Wednesday night, at Manahan Stadium, Solo.

"We want to carve the history of football in Yogyakarta as the team's First Division League winners Indonesia that had no one else in Yogyakarta club who brought the cup," said the Deputy Manager of Technical Affairs and coaching Persiba Bantul, Briyanto U.S., Wednesday, May 25, 2011.

Briyanto stated management targets Newcastle Bantul initially qualify for the Indonesia Super League (ISL). However, after qualifying for the ISL and certainly into the First Division final, the champions become the target that must be embraced.

"There is no word other than a major division champions league Indonesia. Moreover, in the game against Persidafon our fantastic win, 5-2. It became the capital for Persiba Bantul," he explained.

In line with Briyanto, Lurah Paserbumi, Hanung Raharja declared it was ready to mobilize supporters loyal Persiba Bantul, Paserbumi to support the team that won the First Division.

"6000 stadium entrance tickets already booked. However, that number is expected to increase because of the enthusiastic supporters of FC is very high," he said.

Hanung also stated target became First Division champions to be set in stone for Paserbumi. "Qualified for ISL already in hand. Being First Division League champions Indonesia next target," he said.

Yes, the geographic proximity between the Bantul and Solo a boon for fans to pack Paserbumi Manahan.

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